modmasf0.abm (F0-CP128)

10           REM ***

20           REM Use F0-CP128 as a Simple Modbus RTU Master

30           REM

40           REM Use FC 2 to Read RTU Input Status and put in C0

50           REM Use FC 4 to Read (3) RTU Analog Inputs and put in V2000,2001,2002

60           REM Use FC 5 to Write status of C1 to RTU Output

65           REM Use FC 16 to Write V2010-2015 to RTU Holding Registers

70           REM

80           REM Modbus Slave Address = 1 (RA)

90           REM Baud Rate = 9600 (BAUD)

100         REM Wait for First = 100 ms (WFF)

110         REM Wait for Last = 10 (3.5 Character Times Minimum)

120         REM Modbus Master Port = 2

125         REM ND=On Delay, FD=Off Delay, For Radio Communications

130         REM

140         REM ***

150         REM Allocate String Space and Configure Port 2

160         STRING 2561,255 :  DIM LN(10)

162         RA=1 : BAUD=9600 : WFF=100 : WFL=10

170         SETPORT 3,BAUD,N,8,1,N : REM Modbus Master Port

172         REM SETPORT 2,BAUD,N,8,1,N,M :  REM M (Multidrop) required for 2-wire RS485

175         SETPORT 1,9600,N,8,1,N : REM Programming Debug

180         REM ***

190         REM Initialize Request Strings

195         REM Read Input Status Request String – FC2/Data Address 0/1 Bit

200         $(1)=CHR$(RA)+CHR$(2)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(1)

201         LN(1)=6

205         REM Read Analog Inputs Request String – FC4/Data Address 0/3 Words

210         $(2)=CHR$(RA)+CHR$(4)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(3)

211         LN(2)=6

215         REM Write Output Status Request String – FC5/Data Address 0

220         $(3)=CHR$(RA)+CHR$(5)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)

221         LN(3)=6

225         REM Write Multiple Word Request String – FC16/Data Address 0/6 Words

230         $(4)=CHR$(RA)+CHR$(16)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(6)+CHR$(12)

231         LN(4)=19

290         REM ***

291         REM Configure INPUT statement

295         IF WFL<10 THEN WFL=10 :  REM WFL Must be 10 or greater

297         SETINPUT 1,1,0,255,WFF,WFL

300         REM ***

310         REM Read Input and Copy to C0

320         S=1 :  GOSUB 1000

330         IF ERR<>0 THEN  GOTO 300 :  REM Continuous Retry

340         S06_C(0)=PICK(ASC($(0),4),B(0))

342         REM or S06_VH(40600)=ASC($(0),4)

344         REM If you use line 342 instead of 340 C0-16 will be overwritten

400         REM ***

410         REM Read Three Analog Inputs and Copy to V1400-1402

420         S=2 :  GOSUB 1000

430         IF ERR<>0 THEN  GOTO 400 :  REM Continuous Retry

440         DPORT(0)=ASC($(0),5)

442         DPORT(1)=ASC($(0),4)

444         DPORT(2)=ASC($(0),7)

446         DPORT(3)=ASC($(0),6)

448         DPORT(4)=ASC($(0),9)

450         DPORT(5)=ASC($(0),8)

460         BMOVE W,VH(2000),VH(2003)

500         REM ***

510         REM Read C1 and write to RTU Output

520         IF S06_C(1) THEN ASC($(3),5)=255 ELSE ASC($(3),5)=0

530         S=3 :  GOSUB 1000

540         IF ERR<>0 THEN  GOTO 500 :  REM Continuous Retry

600         REM ***

610         REM Read V2010-V2015 then write to RTU Holding Registers

620         REM V2010-V2015 and put data into request string

622         BMOVE R,VH(2010),VH(2015)

624         FOR X=0 TO 11 STEP 2

625         ASC($(4),8+X)=DPORT(X,H)

626         ASC($(4),9+X)=DPORT(X,L)

628         NEXT X

630         S=4 :  GOSUB 1000

640         IF ERR<>0 THEN  GOTO 600 :  REM Continuous Retry

999         GOTO 300

1000       REM ***

1010       REM Send Request and Get Response in $(0)

1020       $(0)=”” : INLEN2=0

1022       PRINT1 “Txd > “;

1024       FOR C=1 TO LN(S) :  PRINT1 HEX$(ASC($(S),C),1),” “; :  NEXT C

1026       REM PRINT1

1030       SYSTEM(2)=NOT(0) :  REM  Turn ON CRC

1040       REM DTR2=1 :  DELAY ND

1050       PRINT3 USING(\LN(S)\),$(S);

1060       REM DELAY FD : DTR2=0

1070       REM Input RS485 Echo – Remove or REM next line for RS232 or 422

1071       REM SETINPUT 1,1,0,LN(S)+2,1,1 :  INPUT2 ,$(4) : Z=INPLEN

1072       SETINPUT 1,1,0,255,WFF,WFL :  INPUT3 ,$(0)

1080       SYSTEM(2)=0 :  REM Turn OFF CRC

1082       REM PRINT1 : PRINT1 “Echo < “; :  REM this line and next for RS232 or 422

1084       REM FOR C=1 TO Z :  PRINT1 HEX$(ASC($(4),C),1),” “; :  NEXT C

1085       PRINT1  :  PRINT1 “Rsp  < “;

1086       FOR C=1 TO INPLEN :  PRINT1 HEX$(ASC($(0),C),1),” “; :  NEXT C

1087       PRINT1

1089       ERR=0



1110       RETURN
